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Hunt on for someone to chair Dumfries town board to spend £20 million UK Government windfall
(Image: Dumfries and Galloway standard)

The hunt is on for someone capable of heading the new Dumfries town board which will be set up to spend the huge £20 million windfall allocated by the UK Government.

Simon Jones, secretary of Loreburn Community Council, said that anyone interested in being chairperson of the board should call into the Midsteeple Quarter-owned building at 109 High Street from Tuesday to Friday to find out more.

He said members of the community council and friends will be there, adding: “Come to our shop and find out more. You can even nominate someone if you know they would make a great chairperson.

“This is your opportunity to shape the future of the High Street and beyond so please drop in and let us know what you want Dumfries to be.

“At the end of the week we will pass on your ideas to Dumfries and Galloway Council.”

North West Dumfries Councillor Andy Ferguson said the decision on how to spend the millions is “probably the most important one for Dumfries in recent living memory” and that the public should be involved in the process right at the very start.

For more details email: [email protected].

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