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Devastated dad loses "everything" after Annan barbers shop goes up in flames
Devastated Zana Ako (Image: Les Snowdon)

Firefighters worked through the night to battle a huge blaze that ripped through a barber’s shop and the flat above in Annan on Saturday night.

Crews were scrambled to the property on the High Street after receiving the alarm at 6.22pm.

Four fire engines were used during the peak of the inferno to contain the flames.

Barber shop owner Zana Ako said he “lost everything” in the fire.

The 34-year-old rushed to the premises following phone calls from customers telling him the building was alight.

Devastated Zana said yesterday: “I had to stand outside and watch what was happening.

(Image: Les Snowdon)

“The firemen wouldn’t let me near it. The shop is totally ruined – there’s nothing left in it.

“Every penny I had went into the business and I’ve been left with nothing. I’ve no idea what I’m going to do now.”

Zana, who has run the shop for two years, said he is now frantically looking for new premises in a bid to get the business back up and running as soon as possible.

He said: “My partner and I have two children aged eight and eight months. I need to work but I have nowhere to go.

“I’ve no idea how the fire started and I’m still in shock.

“It’s devastating.”

(Image: Dumfries and Galloway Standard)

Firefighters eventually left the scene at 8am on Sunday – more than 13 hours after receiving the initial call.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 6.30pm on Saturday, 10 February, 2024, we were called to a report of a fire at a premises on High Street, Annan.

“Emergency services attended and officers assisted Scottish Fire and Rescue Service with traffic management.

“Two properties and one premises were evacuated. People have been allowed back into the premises.

“There are no reported injuries.

“Enquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances, however the fire is not believed to be wilful.”

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