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Call to delay decision on mothballing Dalry Secondary School
Dalry School (Image: Jim McEwan)

A call has been made to delay a decision on mothballing Dalry Secondary School.

The controversial recommendation was outlined at a fraught public meeting at the campus last week.

Council education chief John Thin will present the move to education committee councillors on March 14.

But Glenkens and District Community Action Plan Steering Group is unhappy at the speed of events.

And convenor John Paterson said it was important for the wider community to have its say.

Mr Paterson also questioned the way the entire issue was being handled.

He told the News: “The Community Action Plan Steering Group believes this is a misuse of process that the wider Dumfries and Galloway Council and community partnership planning board should be aware of.

“This accelerated mothballing process appears to be being deliberately used by the education department to sidestep the need to formally consult on closure – and/or to create mitigation plans that will minimise the impact on the Glenkens young people and the wider community.

“Allowing this process to continue will not just disadvantage the young people and communities of the Glenkens, but potentially all of our small rural schools, accelerating rural depopulation and working in direct opposition to the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan.”

Mr Paterson added: “More homes, jobs and businesses are critical to the Glenkens.

“And key factor in people deciding to live here and businesses locating here will be access to a good education.

“We have contacted the council requesting that the decision on mothballing is delayed until further discussion between the wider community, the education department, the communities department, the community partnership planning board and elected members takes place.

“The provision of educational facilities is a key underpin to the long term sustainability of the Glenkens community. Good education provision is important not only for the people currently living the Glenkens but also to retain existing families and attract other families to move to the area.”

A council spokesperson said: “A meeting was held on Monday, January 29, and the engagement survey results were shared with those in attendance.

“Options on how the secondary school asset and the future of those undertaking learning in the school catchment were discussed, and a paper will be taken to a future meeting of the Education and Learning Committee, for Elected Members to decide on the preferred option.”

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