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Audit Scotland demands Dumfries and Galloway Council delivers on local services reform
Dumfries and Galloway Council’s headquarters (Image: Jim McEwan)

A team of Dumfries and Galloway Council workers will be set up to crack down on owners of short term let properties who are operating without a licence.

Councillors this week signed off on employing three new staff members at a cost of £116,000 per year to enforce the new rules.

Under new Scottish Government legislation, the region’s estimated 2,300 short term lets must be operating with the right paperwork and meeting correct standards.

Around two thirds of short term let property owners have applied to Dumfries and Galloway Council for a licence, however just over half of these have been processed so far.

This leaves more than 700 other property owners who are operating illegally and are at risk of police prosecution.

Council staff are currently struggling with demand due to the influx of property owners rushing to meet the new requirements.

At the council’s communities committee on Tuesday, it was agreed to employ two housing and licensing standards officers, along with an assistant, to deal with the backlog of applications and work alongside police.

Dee and Glenkens Councillor Dougie Campbell, a former policeman, said at the meeting: “What I’d like to look at is the enforcement process and the relationship with Police Scotland. We all know that Police Scotland have the same resourcing challenges that the council has.

“This process – has it been made in writing? Have Police Scotland dedicated resources to work with council staff in relation to the enforcement process?”

John Ringrose, the council’s housing and licensing standards manager, said: “Police Scotland have dedicated staff that deal with licensing in general, so short term lets and licensing is in addition to that.

“We work closely with the police right from the beginning, so our software system automatically notifies them when a licence application is made so that they can do their fit and proper checks. We met with them more recently to put into place a process on licensing applications. What the council will do is send a first and second reminder letter. If we get no response, what we would then do is issue a notice to confirm that we are going to refer this to the police.

“If a short term let is unlicensed it is a criminal matter and sits with the police.”

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