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Council officers will host:

an on-line session at 5pm, register at [email protected].an in-person session at a pop-up venue at 109 High Street, Dumfries (near the Midsteeple) at 7pm, with the support of Loreburn Community Council.

A nomination form can be filled in on-line using the link below, with hard-copies available from the venue. Nominations will close at 5pm on Monday 19 February 2024.

Dumfries Town Board Nomination Form( Term Plan for Towns

In September 2023 the UK Government launched its ‘Long-Term Plan for Towns’, supporting 55 UK towns including seven in Scotland as part of the Levelling-Up programme. Dumfries has been selected and will receive £20 million in endowment-style funding over 10 years from 2024/25. Detailed guidance was published in December 2023 on the process for establishing a Town Board to develop and deliver a Long-Term Plan for each town.

The Town Board is to be independently chaired and be formed to represent community interests, business perspectives and public organisations. The Long-Term Plan they will develop must include a 10-year vision, and an initial 3-year investment plan.

The UK Government sets out the following expectations and timescales in its guidance –

As early as possible the Council to appoint a Chair for the Town Board, doing so in consultation with local MPs.The Council to work with the Chair to form the Town Board and for it to have its first meeting no later than 1 April 2024.The UK Government has asked that the Long-Term Plan for Dumfries be submitted by 1 August 2024, the practicalities of this are being discussed.

At its meeting of 30 January 2024, the Council’s Economy and Resources Committee agreed on a way forward to making the appointment of the Chair of the Town Board. This includes canvassing for community views and nominations, prior to making a decision at the Full Council meeting of the 27 February.

A community conversation both online and in-person will be held on Thursday 15 February about the establishment of a Dumfries Town Board and to seek community nominations for the Council to consider in its appointment of a chairperson.

The Government guidance on the Chairperson states:

The chairperson should act as a champion for the town and provide leadership for the Town Board, ensuring it is community-led and embedded within the local area. They can be anyone who holds a prominent role such as:

a local charitable organisationa philanthropistthe head of a Further Education Collegea director for the NHS Board or Trusta director of a football clubFurther Infomation 

Further information about the Long-Term Plan for Towns, the role of the chairperson, Town Board and Council is set out in the briefing note document below: 

Icon for pdf

Long Term Plan for Towns – Briefing Note [PDF – 302KB]

If you have any further queries about the role or the process please email [email protected]. In addition, as queries come in, a FAQ document will be added to the page.

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