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Dalbeattie Primary pupils learn while celebrating all things Scottish
Dalbeattie Primary pupils enjoying their Day of Dance

Dalbeattie Primary pupils have had some great learning experiences celebrating all things Scottish.

The whole school took part in a Touch of Tartan Day.

The classes engaged in a range of cross curricular learning activities throughout the day. This included tasting different traditional Scottish food, creating a graph of favourite food tasted, designing tartan, creating kilts, learning about Scots musicians and singing Scots songs.

There was also lots of highland dancing in P1 and P1/2.

Thanks go to Miss Kirkpatrick for teaching the children some new dance skills. Thanks also go to Miles from Dalbeattie High School who came across and played the bagpipes to all the classes.

Touch of Tartan Day

Touch of Tartan Day

There was a great sound echoing throughout the school from the pipes.

Primary six was then the lucky age group who took part in the Day of Dance organised by Active Schools.

The children had learned a range of traditional Scottish dances with their teachers in school and showcased these with schools from across the Stewartry.

Thanks go to Active Schools for co-ordinating this and to all staff and volunteers involved in this event. Sports leaders from Dalbeattie High School were once again on hand to support with this event. Well done everyone, a great time was had by all.

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