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Kirkcudbright community cafe set to reopen
The TLC Cafe team is ready for customers (Image: Jim McEwan)

A community cafe in Kirkcudbright is set to reopen.

The TLC Community Cafe at the Catholic church hall will be welcoming people back from Friday, February 16.

Everyone is welcome to go along to enjoy a lunch in a warm, welcoming environment.

New manager, Michele Collins, said: “It’s a social and community cafe for anybody and everybody.

“It’s a very kind, loving and welcoming place.

“There’s no charge – if they can donate that’s great but if not that’s not a problem.”

Once back open, the cafe will run every Friday from 12noon to 1.30pm.

People will be able to get together to enjoy soup and rolls, including ham, chicken, cheese, egg mayo or tuna mayo.

There will also be cakes and tea and coffee.

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