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Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club set to hold meetings in Springholm
Wigtown Amateur Radio Club is now holding meetings in Springholm

Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is branching out – meetings will now be held in Springholm Memorial Hall as well as the Aird Education Centre in Stranraer.

The meeting in Springholm is a new venture for the club and they would like to invite potential new members to join in and learn about this fun and fascinating hobby.

Amateur radio is a popular technical hobby that uses designated radio frequencies for non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation and training and sometimes emergency communications.

Amateur radio is the only hobby governed by international treaty.

As a radio amateur you are able to transmit radio signals on radio frequency bands allocated specifically for radio amateurs. You need to gain your licence and your personal call sign in order to transmit as an amateur radio licence holder.

The meeting at Springholm will be held on February 3 from 11am to 3pm and admission is free and open to everyone. The club meet weekly via Zoom video chat also.

To find out more about the club visit or email [email protected].

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