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Birthday celebrations help mark charity’s 10th year

D&G HandyVan (SCIO) were delighted to celebrate their 10th birthday as a standalone charity on April 1.

Staff welcomed board members, volunteers and invited guests to their office in Lockerbie on Wednesday April 5, where the Chair of the Board, Margaret Sanderson cut the birthday cake, above.

Pictures also show fitters, Alan, Charlie and Dave and volunteers Alan, Nigel, Jim and Dougie. Volunteers not present were Bill, Len and John.

Fitters joined the office birthday celebrations.Fitters joined the office birthday celebrations.

Some of the charity's volunteers.Some of the charity’s volunteers.

They are always looking for new volunteers, so if you can spare a few hours to help the fitters with the Gutter Cleaning Service or to help move furniture to make way for a hospital bed, please give the office a call.

D&G HandyVan (SCIO) is funded to provide the Small Repair and Home Support Service and the Dementia Friendly Design. Its aim is to keep you safe and secure in your own home and living independently for as long as possible. This is a free region-wide service but is subject to criteria being met.

If you have a small job that you think they can help with, please give the office a call on 0800 069 9173.

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