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TV showing for Annan and Gretna wedding

AN Annan cinema and Gretna Green wedding venue were the stars of a Welsh TV show last Sunday.

Filming took place in the local area last year for the ‘Priodas Pum Mil’ or 5k Wedding, programme and the episode was finally shown at the weekend.

The show, which has been running for seven seasons, sees friends and family of a lucky couple work with presenters Trystan Ellis-Morris and Emma Walford to arrange a wedding on a £5000 budget without giving any details to the bride or groom.

The big day is arranged from the ground up, ranging from the transportation, location, food and attire, as well as the wedding dress.

This was their first ever marriage in Scotland and one of the elements featured groom Daniel Bell, his son and the best man visit the Lonsdale Cinema in Annan to watch videos sent to him by the pupils that he teaches.

Dan and his partner Sara then tied the knot later that same day.

The team at Gretna Green Ltd were delighted to be part of the action and a spokesperson said: “Gretna Green was buzzing with action in autumn as a film crew from Wales captured the magic for a special programme.

“Now we are able to witness the charm of Gretna Green on the big screen, as the episode aired on S4C and BBC iPlayer last Sunday at 8 pm.”

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