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A Local Action Group (LAG) is being formed to distribute funding via the Community Led Local Development (CLLD) programme.

This web page will give background to the LAG and answer questions you may have. If you are interested in applying to become a LAG member, please click HERE.

For over 20 years, until 2021, a diverse range of projects across Dumfries and Galloway were supported by funding through the LEADER Programme. 

This funding was awarded by a LAG to projects that supported delivery of a Local Development Strategy.

The CLLD programme is designed to give local communities the power to tackle their own local challenges by building knowledge and skills, supporting new ideas and encouraging cooperation.

The LAG will be working in partnership with Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway to distribute the Scottish Government funding.  We are looking to ensure that CLLD funding works for our local communities.

The CLLD fund should be simple to navigate, flexible to the needs of communities and focussed on building longer term, trust-based relationships. Full details on the fund and application process will be available soon.

The LAG will also contribute to Rural Parliaments and meaningful policy change, having awareness and input through Scottish Rural Action will support the longer term sustainability of LAGs and ensure purpose at both grassroots and government level.

We want to ensure that the LAG reflects the diversity of interests of the community. Frequently asked questions on the role of the LAG are available here / PDF version. We welcome people with diverse interests and backgrounds. LAG members will share a common interest in wanting to support our local communities become thriving and resilient.

Anyone can join the LAG regardless of experience or background.  There is a particular emphasis on local representatives who reside in Dumfries and Galloway however where this is not the case applicants are asked to indicate their experience or interest in relation to Dumfries and Galloway.

We are always interested in recruiting people with specific skills and knowledge, which might include but not be limited to the rural sector (farming, fisheries, forestry etc), third sector experience, business experience, the environment and sustainability, working with communities, project development, age related experience/work, experience of disability or disadvantage including working with young people, or just local knowledge.

If you would like to offer the necessary time and skills to participate in this important role for the region, please:

complete the online application form HERE


If you would prefer to complete a paper application form:

please download it HERE or phone us on 0300 3038558 to request one then email the completed form to [email protected] or send it to Natalie Anderson, Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway, Monreith House, The Crichton, Glencaple Road, Dumfries, DG1 4ZZ.

If you would like to discuss LAG membership, please contact:

Norma Austin Hart, Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway’s Chief Executive Officer, by email at [email protected] or by phoning 0300 3038558.

The closing date to apply is Wednesday June 28.

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