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Castle Douglas woman getting on her bike to help some of the world's poorest citizens
Jools Cox from Castle Douglas (Image: Jim McEwan)

An intrepid Castle Douglas woman is getting on her bike to help some of the world’s poorest and exploited citizens – for the fifth time.

Jools Cox has already cycled through South Asia three times and Zambia once in aid of CARE International.

The charity works around the world to save lives and tackle poverty under the banner of social justice.

Jools will be cycling 500 kilometres between February 2-11, starting from Siam Reap in Cambodia.

From there the party will follow a route through Thailand then down into Laos.

Speaking ahead of her epic pedal, Jools predicted “yet another tough challenge”.

She told the News: “I’ve been training hard, cycling and doing crossfit at The Shed at Stewartry Rugby Club.

“Many thanks go Anne Halliday for use of the facilities and also to those who have donated already.

“Our group will visit small scale businesses that benefit from the micro finance loan schemes run by LEND with CARE.

“In Asia, as in many parts of the world, it is often widows or single mothers, looking after their own children, other orphans and elderly relatives who benefit from these loans.

“Women, especially widows, find it hard to borrow money from banks and are often disastrously caught in the clutches of loan sharks.

“Typical businesses will be cooking at food stalls, making textiles and tailoring, roadside shops and small scale farming.”

Women and girls are at the centre of work supported by CARE, which strongly believes poverty cannot be overcome until everyone has equal rights and opportunities.

The charity’s loans are interest free – meaning they are affordable to people of little means.

They are carefully monitored and administered by the local people and are paid back monthly.

The low cost system allows the funds to be recycled and lent all over again.

Jools said: “It is a really sustainable way of helping communities who are living in poverty, severely affected by droughts, or the constant threat of landmines, and whose only other option is economic migration.

“I have been on four trips with CARE International – three in South Asia and last year in Zambia.

“So I have been able to see at first hand how the money raised has made an enormous life changing difference to poverty stricken, developing world citizens.”

She added: “For anyone who has flown this year, sending money to a country in the Global South affected by climate change is one way to offset your air miles.

“Ours is a cast-iron guarantee that the money is well utilised, with no fancy offices or overpaid staff.

“Of course, I am paying my costs of the trip myself so everything you send will go to CARE International.

“I want to raise at least £7,000 so together we can lift a few families in South East Asia out of poverty and get the children into school.”

Anyone wishing to help Jools reach her target can do so at or simply drop a donation in to Jools Cox, 100a Queen Street, Castle Douglas, DG7 1EH.

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