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Castle Douglas Hospital League of Friends gets boost from St Margaret's Church Guild
St Margaret’s Church Guild members present the cheque to hospital staff and League of Friends volunteers

Castle Douglas Hospital League of Friends has added £400 to its kitty thanks to a generous donation from
St Margaret’s Church Guild in New Galloway.

The church group recently presented the cheque to representatives of the charity, which fundraises to support Castle Douglas hospital and its patients.

The bulk of the money was raised at the guild’s tombola at the Alternative Games at New Galloway back August, and then supplemented by guild funds.

Guild president, Christine Rankin, has strong personal reasons for supporting the work carried out by the charity.

She said: “My mother received exemplary care when staying in Castle Douglas hospital and it is nice to be able to contribute to their funds.

“All of our members know someone who has benefitted from the work of the League of Friends.” Isabel Anderson, convenor of the Castle Douglas Hospital League of Friends, was delighted to receive the

The money was especially welcome, she said, because the Covid pandemic had adversely affected their work, much of which involves visiting patients in hospital which was not allowed for a long time.

She said: “This generous donation comes just as we are planning a New Year campaign to attract new volunteers now that we are allowed to visit again.”

The money will go towards extra equipment for the hospital.

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