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Amazing Summer Fund 2023 launched for third sector organisations

Dumfries and Galloway Council has announced a fund of £80,000 for third sector organisations in the region to give children and young people a summer to remember.

Following on from the successes of the Amazing Summer fund over the last two years, they are once again seeking local organisations who will deliver free activities for children and young people aged 5–16 for the duration of the summer holidays – allowing them opportunities to socialise, meet with and make new friends across the region.

This funding is to provide children and young people aged 5–16 activities over the summer. The programmes should enhance equity by widening opportunities for children from low-income families to play, socialise, get active and access a range of activities that broaden their experiences, supplement their learning and deliver positive outcomes and integrating food provision wherever possible, and be focussed on children and young people within our priority groups.

It is hoped that through the fund there will be a range of different activities and experiences for young people of all ages from communities across Dumfries and Galloway.

Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee, Councillor Ian Blake said: “By providing young people across our region with the opportunity to take part in a programme of exciting Summer opportunities, it will encourage them to broaden their horizons, and build their confidence while having fun with their friends. The programme of activities is being co-produced with local children and young people to ensure that they get the activities that they enjoy, and they will also be key part of the decision-making panel.”

Third sector organisations from across Dumfries and Galloway can apply to this fund for amounts of £500 up to £7500.

Vice-Chair of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Communities Committee Councillor Jackie McCamon said of the fund: “This funding opportunity for our Third Sector Partners continues our commitment as a local authority to ensure that we create lifelong learning opportunities that allow children and young people to develop their skills and contribute to their communities. This funding is available for all third sector groups, and we want to support as many groups as possible to help make this a truly amazing summer holiday for our local children and young people.”

Applications are now open. The closing date for submission of completed applications is 12 noon on Tuesday June 6.

Finlay Anderson, Chairperson of Dumfries and Galloway Youth Council said: “The Youth Council is really pleased to be working alongside the Council to deliver an amazing summer programme of activities for young people across our region. It’s always exciting for members of The Youth Council to collaborate with our partners for the benefit of young people. It is so important to ensure that the funding goes to opportunities that will make the most difference to young people across the length and breadth of Dumfries and Galloway.”

Application forms and guidance notes can be downloaded at

If you have any questions on the application process or would like any advice and guidance, please e-mail [email protected] or call 01387 260 243.

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