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Support post office plea

EASTRIGGS residents are furious after the mobile Post Office van serving their community was taken off the road again and deemed ‘unfit to drive’.

The van has been unable to provide essential Post Office services since mid-December due to needing maintenance work.

It was scheduled to return to service on Tuesday, but then it was announced that another fault has emerged and it will now need further repairs before it is fit to drive.

It is not yet known when the service will be resumed.

Eastriggs resident Kaiserin Maggs has logged a formal complaint with the Post Office.

Complaining on social media when the news was announced, she said: “How many times has the van meant to be in Eastriggs, and how many times has it actually been in Eastriggs?

“I know it isn’t the fault of the announcer, but I think quite a few of us would like to know the answer to that.

“If that van is so dodgy, it really shouldn’t be in service and another should have been provided. It’s beyond a joke.”

Responding, a Post Office spokesperson said: “We sincerely want to apologise to our customers that the Scotby Mobile Post Office has been unable to provide Post Office services since mid-December when the vehicle went into the garage for essential maintenance work.

“Service was due to be restored yesterday, but frustratingly for everyone affected, a new fault with the steering has emerged, making it unfit to drive.

“Further vital repairs now need to be undertaken. It is not yet known when the mobile service can resume.

“In the interim customers are advised to visit www. to find out the locations and opening times of alternative branches.”

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