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Scotch pies scoop silver award

A STRANRAER bakery was recognised at the 2024 World Championship Scotch Pie Awards

John Gillespie & Sons Ltd was awarded silver for their Scotch pie at the awards ceremony held in Cumbernauld last week.

The event saw 500 pies from 78 bakers and butchers up for judging, all hoping to come away with one of the day’s ten prizes, with categories including apple pie, football pie and vegetarian savoury among others.

The winning products were all considered by the judges to be the best of the best when it came to taste, touch, appearance and smell across the categories.

Also awarded prizes were Dumfries’ The Little Bakery who came away with two prizes, receiving top prize in the birdie category for its mince birdie. They were also awarded a bronze for their sausage roll.

Also recognised were Dalbeattie butchers TH Carson Butchers who were awarded sliver for their macaroni pie.

Carol Smillie, who presented the awards to each of the winners, said: “I am always delighted to present these awards, to meet so many faces old and new and of course all those delicious pies! These bakers and butchers consistently provide such high quality and the new faces tell me that the sector continues to thrive and prosper with more professional than ever throwing their hats into the ring.

“Well done to all our winners.”

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