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Ministerial visit to Relationships Scotland Dumfries and Galloway

Relationships Scotland Dumfries and Galloway were delighted to welcome Natalie Don MSP, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise to the organisation.

She met Chief Executive John Dougan, Child Contact Centre Manager Amanda Hannah, and Chair of the Board of Trustees Morag Chisholm.

They were also delighted to be joined by the Chief Executive of Relationships Scotland national office, Stuart Valentine, and the Head of Practice for Child Contact Services, Anne Gibson.

The meeting was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the work of the organisation. Following a round table discussion, the Minister then had an opportunity to chat with clients who use their services, providing her with a rich insight into their experiences.

The Minister later messaged on social media: “An excellent visit to @RelScotDG to see first-hand the valuable services they deliver. Speaking with those who had accessed these services, it was clear to see how valued they are, as well as the difference they are making to children and families.”

Relationships Scotland Dumfries and Galloway is a local organisation offering the following services – Counselling for individuals or couples, Counselling for Carers, Family Mediation, Child Contact. For more go to

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