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ORDER 2024


Dumfries and Galloway Council has made an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to temporarily close the U87w from its junction with B7085 to Little Tahall from 05/02/24 to 04/03/24 (9am – 5pm weekdays only). Closure will be carried out in 3 parts: Part 1: from B7085 to Barglass Cottage; Part 2: from Barglass Cottage to Tahall Cottage & Part 3: from Tahall Cottage to Little Tahall. The road will reopen as works progress.


The closure is necessary to facilitate Openreach cable ducting works.


Alternative route available via B7085, A714, B7005, U87w and vice versa.


Emergency access will be available if required.


Pedestrian access will be maintained.


Roads Manager, Dumfries and Galloway Council,

Communities, Roads & Infrastructure,

Cargen Tower, Garroch Business Centre, Dumfries, DG2 8PN

(Tel – 03033333000)

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