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Twynholm Primary youngsters and Abernethy Barcaple team plant cherry trees
Twynholm Primary pupils and the Abernethy Barcaple team planting cherry trees

Youngsters from Twynholm Primary joined the team at Abernethy Barcaple for a morning of tree planting.

The centre had recently been gifted cherry trees as part of the Japanese Sakura Cherry Tree Project.

The day started with a morning of preparing the soil to make sure the trees were being planted in the right space. The children braved the minus temperatures and were out helping the team move the dirt and repack the soil after the trees were planted.

A hot chocolate and one biscuit (or two) later, the children were back out laying mulch around our newly planted trees to improve the soil.

Japan has given the UK 7,000 cherry trees to be planted across Britain to celebrate the relationship between the two countries. Japanese Ambassador to the UK, Yasumasa Nagamine, said: “We hope that people all over Britain will join with us in embracing this chance to deepen mutual understanding, thus helping to create an enduring legacy.

“Yet the Sakura Cherry Tree Project will not just represent the lasting impact of the Japan-UK Season of Culture but will be a wider celebration of the cordial ties between Japan and the UK. Just like our relationship, these trees will grow stronger as they mature and, each year when they blossom, I hope they bring joy to people across the UK and remind them of the deep friendship between our two nations and peoples.“

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