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Kateryna Stoian

Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway’s new Volunteering Officer is inviting organisations to get in touch if needing support or promotion opportunities.

Kateryna Stoian’s primary responsibility is to assist volunteer involving organisations in enhancing their capacity and capability in volunteer management.

She said: “I am enthusiastic about this role, and I invite you to reach out if you need any assistance with your organisation’s volunteer management or if you would like to learn more about the Volunteer Network Forum and how to advertise your volunteering opportunities across our different channels.”

Before taking on this role, Kateryna served as an associate professor at a university for eight years.

She was also actively involved in the third sector in Ukraine through an American-Ukrainian charity, and founded a charity to support Ukrainian children with Down syndrome.

You can get in touch with Kateryna by phone on 0300 303 8558 or by email [email protected].

For more on Volunteering, please visit our website at

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