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Autistic adults in region to receive more support thanks to fund

The Autistic Adult Support Fund has announced that Inspired Community Enterprise Trust Ltd – creators of The Usual Place in Dumfries – is among 16 charities across Scotland chosen to receive its latest grants.

The charity will receive £22,768 to create a monthly information support programme including input from organisations covering housing, transport, mental health, where and how to get further help if they needed it.

The outcome will be that autistic people will be better informed about support and resources available to them and enabled to meaningfully access and engage with services, improving the wellbeing of autistic people, their families, and their supporters.

The fund is delivered by Inspiring Scotland, and funded by the Scottish Government, with successful charities receiving grants of between £15,000 – £75,000 each to deliver a range of projects.

Erica Judge, Director of Funds at Inspiring Scotland said:  “We received a large number of high-quality applications to this Autistic Adult Support Fund demonstrating the need for this work and the commitment from organisations across Scotland to provide what we know can be life changing support. 

“We are looking forward to working alongside and supporting the 16 charities selected to provide vital support to autistic people and their families and carers to better understand what their diagnosis means for them and help ensure they are able to live happy and healthy lives. 

Find out more about the successful Autistic Adult Support Fund projects.  

Find out more about the Autistic Adult Support Fund.


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