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Annan residents wake to a scene of devastation after Storm Isha
Storm Isha brought down this tree at Back Of The Hill

Residents in Annan’s Back Of The Hill woke to a scene of devastation yesterday after Storm Isha brought the highest wind gusts seen in southern Scotland in more than 10 years.

Tony Nisbet, who runs Annan Newstart Recycle shop in Annan, said: “The destruction is unbelievable. It is a shocker. There’s a lot of damage to trees at the Back Of The Hill and Lovers Lane.

Tony Nisbet of Annan's Newstart Recycle

Tony Nisbet of Annan’s Newstart Recycle

“Those blocking the road have been moved so people can get passed.

“It’ll take some work to sort out my garden. I’ve been up since 5.30am and with my fences down I’ve had to do a quick fix to stop sheep getting in from a neighbouring field. I didn’t want them coming to any harm.

“My fences are gone. There’s a tree down in my lane. The garden swing and other stuff is destroyed. The summer house is split and I have roof tiles off – but we are all right.

“I have to laugh though because when my wife, Angela, came back from walking our dog, Ruby, and seeing all the mess, all she said was: ‘Windows are thick wi stoor. Wonder when Phil the window cleaner is due to clean them?’

Fences, garden furniture, trees and a summer house were all damaged in Tony Nesbit's garden

Fences, garden furniture, trees and a summer house were all damaged in Tony Nesbit’s garden

“You have to keep a sense of humour in situations like this.”

Tony also had to abandon his personal clear-up as he headed straight into work to help others who might need the services of Newstart Recycle – a community-based not-for-profit organisation selling pre-loved up-cycled furniture and household goods to the public or giving them to people who need them the most.

He said: “After a storm like this, there will be a lot of people who need help. Maybe with heaters and things like that. I expect we’ll be busy and we’ll do what we can.”

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