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Plea for Bank of Scotland mobile banking to continue in Dumfries and Galloway
The Dalbeattie branch of Bank of Scotland closed in 2017 (Image: Google Maps)

A plea has been made for a mobile banking service to continue in the Stewartry.

Bank of Scotland’s service is ending in 50 locations across Scotland in May, including in Dalbeattie, Gatehouse, Dalry, Wigtown and Port William, with the firm claiming use has “fallen significantly”.

However, MSPs from across the country called for a rethink during a debate at Holyrood last week, which came after a motion from Highlands and Islands MSP Rhoda Grant.

One of those backing Ms Grant’s motion was South Scotland MSP Emma Harper, who said: “I have been contacted by many constituents who are extremely concerned about the withdrawal of the Bank of Scotland services across Dumfries and Galloway, including the mobile branch services.

“Constituents report that they feel that it is a betrayal of the promise that the Bank of Scotland made when it previously closed branches, citing that mobile services would be made available.

“The withdrawal of the services will leave many older and vulnerable people, including those who do not and cannot use online banking, without access to services.

MSP Emma Harper outside Holyrood

MSP Emma Harper outside Holyrood
(Image: Copyright Unknown)

“The Bank of Scotland says that most people use the service to pay cash in or out.

“That shows that the mobile branches are incredibly important.”

And Ms Harper pointed out: “The services are vital for communities that have already suffered many closures.

“We are seeing that in towns across Dumfries and Galloway.

“Connectivity remains a major issue for many people who live in rural and remote parts of Dumfries and Galloway.

“For example, if a constituent in Wigtown or Whithorn is forced to travel to Newton Stewart in order to bank, it is a one-hour round trip.

“If they do not have a car, it is a three-hour round trip, given the infrequency of local buses.

“The banks must treat people in rural areas with equity and, above all, respect.”

The Stewartry service was introduced in 2017 following the closure of Bank of Scotland branches in each of the five towns it

Last year, the bank announced it was ending the service as many customers choose to bank online or through mobile apps, adding that Post Offices offer banking services.

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