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Man convicted of Stranraer murder

A man has been convicted of murdering a 33-year-old man in Stranraer at the High Court in Glasgow.

Mark Allison, 25, was found guilty of murdering Gary Handling in the town.

Mr Handling was injured on John Simpson Drive on Monday 6 June, 2022. He was subsequently taken to Galloway Community Hospital where he died a short time later.

Mr Allison is due to be sentenced on 5 March 2024.

Senior Investigating Officer, Detective Inspector Graeme Robertson, Dumfries and Galloway Division CID, said: “Our thoughts remain with Gary’s family and friends at this difficult time.

“This conviction shows that we will use all the tools we have to investigate and bring people who are intent on committing crime and harm to justice.

“Allison will now have to face the consequences of his actions.

“I would like to thank Gary’s family and those in the local community who supported police during the investigation.”

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