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Dumfries and Galloway sees pothole explosion in 2023
(Image: Jim McEwan)

Dumfries and Galloway has experienced an explosion in pothole numbers over the past year.

And cold weather this month will likely lead to more craters opening up on the roads.

More than 132,000 potholes were recorded in the first 11 months of 2023 across 24 of Scotland’s 32 councils. Glasgow recorded the most with 17,898, followed by Dumfries and Galloway with around 16,000.

The data was compiled by campaign group Round Our Way.

The 132,642 holes in Scotland was a 47.7 per cent increase on the same period in 2022 when 89,787 were recorded.

Roger Harding, director of Round Our Way, said: “Potholes are the bane of many of our lives and put drivers, cyclists and even pedestrians at risk. The weather extremes that climate change brings are creating many more at a time when cuts mean repairs are already not keeping up.

“No one should have to risk injury or breakdown to get from A to B locally. Investment is needed in repairs and materials, but we also need politicians to get serious about tackling the climate change that is increasingly causing potholes.”

A council spokesman said the local authority recognised roads are in need of improvement and it has committed £30 million of funding over the next five years.

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