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Retired Glenkens minister releases book on how people were persecuted for their faith in the 17th century
Rev David Bartholomew with his book on the Glenkens Covenanters

A retired Glenkens churchman has written a new book on how local people were persecuted for their faith in the late 17th century.

Rev David Bartholomew retired as minister last year after nearly 28 years as the parish minister of the Glenkens parishes.

And one of his early retirement projects has come to fruition with the publication of his book, The Covenanters of the Glenkens.

The work gathers up stories shared in the church’s annual conventicles – outdoor services – held over the past 20 years.

Rev Bartholomew said: “It rather grew in the writing and expanded beyond these stories, ending up 186 pages in length.

“The parishes of the Glenkens were at the heart of support for the Covenanting movement in 17th century Scotland.

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“They suffered greatly in the latter half of that century when the king and the political leadership of the country sought to suppress the movement and impose the Episcopalian system of church government on the people.

“My book explores the historical context of those days.”

The Covenanters of the Glenkens is published by Carn Publishing and can be purchased at the CatStrand in New Galloway, at the village shop in Dalry and at Barry Smart Newsagents in Castle Douglas.

It can also be ordered directly from Dr Bartholomew by email to [email protected]

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