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Annan Athletic bringing bingo back to the town
Russell Brown and Helen McAnespie are ready for Annan Athletic’s bingo night (Image: Les Snowdon)

A bid to bring bingo back to Annan is on the cards.

Annan Athletic FC are offering eyes down at Galabank on a Friday night as a community activity and fundraiser.

The town’s dedicated bingo hall was closed down a few years ago to make way for the new screen at Annan Lonsdale Cinema.

General manager, Helen McAnespie, said they are on the search for a bingo caller to help make it happen.

Sounding an appeal, she said: “We want to bring bingo back to back to Annan at Galabank on a Friday night.

“If you would be happy to help by calling our bingo numbers we would love to hear from you.”

Anyone who can help should call her at 07902 186454 or email: [email protected].

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