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Dumfries and Galloway train stations support ScotRail and Samaritans' Brew Monday scheme
Frank Ritchie helped get the Samaritans poster erected at Lockerbie Railway Station

Brew Monday support was offered at the region’s train stations yesterday.

The initiative by ScotRail and Samaritans aims to reiterate there’s no such thing as the saddest day of the year – also known as Blue Monday.

The suicide prevention charity’s listening volunteers are consistently busy every day of the year responding to a call for help every 10 seconds, and have long campaigned to dispel the idea the third Monday of January is particularly difficult with concerns it could discourage people from seeking life-changing help.

Now it is working with the rail industry to turn the day into something useful by running Brew Monday instead.

The annual event encourages staff, friends and family to stay connected by having a cuppa and a catch up.

ScotRail’s mental health first aiders held conversation cafés across the network, encouraging staff to check in on their colleagues, friends and family this winter, and spreading the Brew Monday message to passengers.

The Brew Monday support is part of the rail industry’s suicide prevention programme under a partnership with Network Rail.

Samaritans has worked in partnership with the industry to reduce suicides on the railway for more than 10 years, and has trained over 28,000 rail and British Transport Police staff to look out for passengers and make conversation if they feel someone might be vulnerable.

Dumfriesshire mental health campaigner Frank Ritchie has worked with Samaritans and ScotRail to ensure that suicide awareness information posters are displayed at local train stations, as well as in Annan and Dumfries Tesco stores with information about Suicide Bereavement Support Cumbria and South Scotland.

The 71-year-old from Lockerbie’s “world collapsed” when his 31-year-old son, Alan, took his own life at Lockerbie Railway Station in 2015.

The tragedy has spurred him on to campaign for more support for charities and those with mental health problems – lobbying councillors, MPs and MSPs, and the Scottish Parliament.

Frank encourages anyone in “emotional torment” to “reach out and seek help” from a variety of agencies and he urges people across the region to keep an eye out for others who may be struggling.

He said: “Many people in Dumfries and Galloway are looking to face a catastrophic winter of misery as they try to keep warm and feed themselves.

“Issues of mental health and suicide are bound to escalate.

“It is important that anyone feeling suicidal reaches out. There are a number of charities that are there for them.”

Louise McKee, ScotRail wellbeing advisor, said: “ScotRail was really proud to support yesterday’s Samaritans’ Brew Monday campaign again this year, and spreading this important message to our passengers and staff.

“Samaritans has worked in partnership with Network Rail and the wider rail industry since 2010 encouraging the public and our staff to recognise the power of human connection and start a conversation which could save a life.

“So, we’re putting that into practice and helping to bust the Blue Monday myth over a brew.”

Olivia Cayley, head of Samaritans Rail Programme, added: “At Samaritans we know there is no such thing as Blue Monday and people can feel low at any point of the week or year.

“Perpetuating Blue Monday may put off reaching for life-changing help if they think everyone else is also feeling down.

“It could also lead people to think they ought to be feeling sad, or believe other people are in worse situations. We do not want anyone to dismiss or minimise the challenging issues they’re facing.

“We want everyone to know that you are never alone and even small moments of human connection like this can play a big role in helping people who are currently struggling.

“Our volunteers are available around the clock to listen to anyone who needs support every other day of the year, 24/7.

“You can contact Samaritans, free on 116 123, or [email protected] or visit”

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