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All school and ELC facilities that Dumfries and Galloway Council operates will be closed on these three days, due to industrial action taking place.

Remote/Online learning will be in place wherever possible.

This decision has not been taken lightly, and is based on information that we did not have last week, when we wrote to parents and carers to advise of potential closures for some schools/ELC’s. It is an ever-changing picture, and as such, if the picture changes again before the first strike day (Tuesday 26 September), we will of course issue updates. We appreciate the inconvenience associated with this information, but please be assured that this information is coming to you as a parent/carer/learner in as timely a manner as is practically possible.

Free School Meals 

A financial payment will be made to those who receive free school meals via qualifying benefits. This payment will be made to the relevant bank accounts within 7 days of the last strike day. For families who require food support over the strike days, please see Food Bank locations and contact details at

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