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Dark Light
Dumfries' Rosefield Mills to be light up to help brighten the dark winter nights
Rosefield Mills in Dumfries (Image: Eva Milroy)

The river frontage of one of Dumfries’ landmark buildings is to be lit up from Friday until Easter.

Hailed as Midwinter Light at Rosefield Mills, the organisers, Dumfries Historic Buildings Trust, said the project will help to lighten up the dark winter nights.

They are inviting the public to go to Dock Park from 6pm to 7pm for the lighting up ceremony which will be performed by the provost, Councillor Maureen Johnstone.

As well as the illuminations from the colourful floodlights, there will be music, entertainment and refreshments available.

The project has been made possible by funding from Dumfries and Galloway Council’s 2023 Community Led Vision Fund.

It paves the way for an open day which will take place on Saturday from 11am to 3pm, which is offering the public the chance to see inside the buildings and meet volunteers from Dumfries Historic Buildings Trust which purchased the site with support from many individuals, local companies and the council in 2018.

Luke Moloney, chairman of Dumfries Historic Buildings Trust, said: “This is a great opportunity to celebrate Rosefield Mills, and to focus attention on finding a viable and sustainable future for this iconic building, which is so much a part of the history of Dumfries.”

They want to bring the building, which has lain empty for many years, back into use and are keen to hear what the members of the public think about the site and to help determine a viable and sustainable future for it.

Mr Moloney said: “A great deal of positive work has been going on behind the scenes.”

In 2020, funding was secured from the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Capital Grants Fund to carry out some essential repairs to the roof, and to consolidate the masonry on the river frontage in order to ensure the safety of people using the riverside path.

A large workshop space was created and let.

Last year saw two lots of funding from South of Scotland Enterprise which allowed further roof repairs to be carried out and more workshop space added.

In addition, thanks to the support of the Architectural Heritage Fund, the trust now has a full measured survey of the building, a structural survey, and an almost completed conservation plan.

The next steps will be to create “a simple repair and fitting-out strategy” which is “suited to a flexible and sustainable mix of community and commercial uses” and to prepare a budget cost plan for the project which can support further applications to funders this year.

Mr Moloney said this will all support DHBT’s discussion with the National Lottery Heritage Fund and an application for funding will be made in the spring.

Visitors at Saturday’s open day will also get free tea and coffee as they look around.

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