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Dumfries and Galloway woman sheds more than two stone after beating snacking habit
Lorrie Kyle has lost more than two stone since joining Slimming World

A woman has shed more than two stone after finally cracking her snacking habit.

And Lorrie Kyle also puts some of her success down to a new hobby – crochet.

She had felt her weight “creep up and up” – but since joining the Slimming World at Dumfries Baptist Church Centre she has seen the pounds fall away.

Lorrie, who is originally from Canada, said: “I just came to a point where I knew I had to do something. My snacking was an issue, and my weight over the years just crept up and up.

“I have always eaten healthy food when it came to main meals as I enjoy cooking, but eating between meals and then late at night was becoming an issue.

“I knew I needed to become more realistic about my weight loss and not just look for the quick fix – such as skipping meals or cutting out carbs. I liked the idea of a weekly meeting and found just the right one.

“I would say my snacking issue has finally been conquered. I used to snack away all day and even worse when I was cooking a meal and have things like crisps, cheese and crackers. Now I reach for cut up veg and a salsa dip or eat pickles along with tomatoes with a pinch of salt.

“I also took up crochet this year. I thought it would help keep my hands busy so I wouldn’t reach for food. It’s worked a treat and I have to say I really enjoy my new skill. At group we all chat about our different experiences and help each other along with ways to help conquer our food issues.”

Lorrie used to hide in photos or take them herself.

But now she walks three miles a few times a week without getting out of breath.

She said: “My joints don’t ache now and I believe it has to do with not carrying around 30 extra pounds of weight. I also love the fact that clothes fit me better and I feel my confidence has grown leaps and bounds.

“I’m getting close to my target I am feeling quite proud of the fact that I have kept with it, and I can see the benefits of working hard to maintaining my healthy weight.

“I defiantly feel better in myself, and I suffered from very bad heart burn for the last few years. On a day to day measure I don’t have that problem anymore. However, if I do over indulge on say a night out where its harder to take stock of my eating, I find my heart burn returning.

“Cutting back on sugar, not overeating, and basically not carrying around that extra weight, is basically the reward for a healthier lifestyle.

A positive outlook is an absolute key to succeeding. It’s important to go to your group meeting each week, talking, and sharing your thoughts and even when you have had a weight gain – it’s a show of bravery in my book to face it and to come to group and to move on from it.

“Every day will have challenges and let’s face it we all need food and can’t stay away from it. But choosing the right food and portion sizes with only help fuel your body and you will definitely feel better for it.”

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