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Cash-strapped Dumfries and Galloway families urged to seek help before sinking deeper into debt
Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service chief executive Phil Stewart (Image: Jim McEwan)

Cash-strapped families in the region are being urged to seek help before sinking deeper into debt.

The cost of living crisis coupled with Christmas credit card spending make January one of the toughest months of the year for many.

And it leads to increased demand for support from agencies such as Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service.

Chief executive, Phil Stewart, this week urged people facing mounting debt as rising bills hit home, to seek help.

Mr Stewart said: “We all know Christmas and New Year is a time to celebrate and for buying our nearest and dearest
presents and having a great time.

“But we know we can all over extend ourselves and sometimes that can come back and bite us.

“In the last few years that has happened, putting us under a lot of pressure, plus with energy prices going
up there is so much more to contend with.

“Every household is different, but it can cost up to £100 a year more now and even pre-payment meters can mean people are devoid of heating and lighting. It is certainly bleak for folk.”

He added: “I was actually reading in newspapers the other day that people are now facing day to day essential goods rising due to the problems in the Far East with goods having to travel longer from the Red Sea and Suez Canal and going the long way round. So they will cost more.

“There are other costs rising higher and exacerbating household bills such as Sky TV and Netflix. But another new wave of debt problems coming to us is the rise in mortgage costs.

“People who previously have never had problems with debts are now facing debts.”

He added: “They maybe have two cars loans and now with the massive rise in their mortgages they are having to find the money from somewhere.

“So what we are saying is to make good decisions and look at our website, which is, and other agencies to get advice and do it quickly. Remember Citizens Advice is free.

“The credit card bills will be coming in around January 15 and also around February and even March so we tell people not to put their head in the sand and act now.

“And don’t go to money lenders or these agencies which charge huge amounts of interest. They are still about.

“You don’t see money lenders advertise because they are illegal and criminals and always put pressure on people to pay up. You are never free from them.

“So make good decisions and make them now.”

Meanwhile, Mr Stewart urged members of the public to sign up as volunteers for Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service to help others. They are on the hunt for new recruits and people can find out more by calling 0300 303 4321.

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