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M is for Making Memories

One minute Haylie may be attending schools and delivering workshops, the next, assisting someone to apply for their driver’s licence. Running open mic nights for aspiring musicians, preparing dinner options to all that attend the Oasis Centre and simply listening to young people’s stories and offering support – all in a day’s work for Haylie.  

Haylie supports young people on an individual basis, and she does so with maximum passion, empathy, and commitment. Haylie loves the variation of young people she works with, and the variation of programmes offered. We do too Haylie! 

“This was all I ever wanted to be when I was growing up. I came to sessions as young person myself and I have never left. It changed my life. So, I volunteered with a group, which led to a modern apprentice position before landing the role as a youth worker – my dream job. I see the impact I make, the connections and trust built with so many young people who go through so many different situations and, while it takes time, it’s life changing and beyond rewarding.” 

Haylie happened to mention she had the opportunity to be a professional footballer and turned it down to be a youth worker here in Dumfries and Galloway. Haylie, your commitment is unquestionable and the work you do…truly life changing.  

To find out what opportunities are available to young people through our amazing Youth Work service, see: YouthWork – YouthWork – Dumfries and Galloway Council ( 

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