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Reflective clothing plea to parents

PARENTS are being urged to make sure children can be seen at night after reports of a near-collision in Gretna sparked worry.

A distressed resident complained on social media on Tuesday after nearly hitting a pair of youngsters on the back road between Gretna and Eastriggs due to their lack of reflective clothing.

The youths were said to be all dressed in black, one was on a bike and the other was on an electric scooter, neither with lights.

The post has been widely reshared.

Road Safety Scotland urges both children and adults to wear reflective armbands or jackets when walking across the countryside at night to be easily seen by passing drivers.

Alongside this, they encourage young people to walk towards oncoming traffic on the same side of the road, always use the pavement or path next to the road if possible, and to keep an extra look out for electric and hybrid vehicles, as they are harder to hear.

Any distractions such as headphones, music or even chatting can make people less aware of your surroundings, ranging from judging where others are on the pavement to a vehicle’s speed and distance when crossing a road.

Reflecting armbands, jackets and fluorescent clothing can be purchased online or bought at a local sports shop.

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