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More than 100 people kick off 2024 with New Year's Day Dee Dip
Some of the record entry (Image: Bobby Geddes)

More than 100 people took the chance to kick start the New Year in style with the Dee Dip on Monday.

Revellers braved the icy waters at Crossmichael Marina, many of them raising money for charity in the process.

Organiser Jim McLelland said: “There was an amazing turnout, there were around 120 or 130 folk.

“The longest stayed in for 16 minutes and 20 seconds – they could have stayed in a lot longer, but you worry about some of them getting a chill.

Swimmers young and old braved the freezing waters of Loch Ken

Swimmers young and old braved the freezing waters of Loch Ken
(Image: Bobby Geddes)

“There’s so many wild swimmers about nowadays, they’re quite hardy to what they’re doing.”

Suzy Rook, Liz Hunter and Lorraine Sykes stayed in the water the longest – with Jim emerging from the water at the same time.

He explained: “I feel a bit of a scammer because I came out the water with them at the end – but I hadn’t been in all that time.

“My job when they’re all in the water is to stand watching to make sure everybody is okay.

Organiser Jim McLelland with Suzy Rook, Liz Hunter and Lorraine Sykes, who stayed in the longest at 16 minutes and 20 seconds.

Organiser Jim McLelland with Suzy Rook, Liz Hunter and Lorraine Sykes, who stayed in the longest at 16 minutes and 20 seconds.
(Image: Bobby Geddes)

“When most of the folk come out I go in and have my dip.

“It ended up I wandered out with them so it looked as if I’d been in all that time but unfortunately I hadn’t.

“I was standing watching all the time, which is probably colder than being in the water.”

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