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Councillor hails playpark decision

EASTRIGGS Playpark has been selected for a £104,000 grant from the Scottish Government’s Playpark Renewal Fund.

Annandale South Cllr Sean Marshall has welcomed the move, which he helped secure.

He said: “Despite being one of the 15 largest settlements in Dumfries and Galloway, I feel Eastriggs is frequently ignored by DG Council, due to it being sandwiched three miles either way between the larger settlements of Annan and Gretna.

“This means that the people of Eastriggs are unfairly expected to travel to either location to enjoy better facilities rather than provide within Eastriggs, which I totally disagree with.

“Annan already has an inclusive play park and Gretna was one of the five locations recommended by council officers for this funding of £625,000 within the report, but thankfully councillors ignored the recommendation of officers and added a sixth location due to the strong case made by local councillors like myself.

“Hopefully this will provide a much needed new inclusive play park at Melbourne Park for the people of Eastriggs.”

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