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Castle Douglas Parish Church's Festival of Christmas proving popular
Elizabeth Jaszewski, Lorna Carson, Louise Clark and Sally Adair from the church (Image: Les Snowdon)

Castle Douglas Parish Church’s Festival of Christmas comes to an end this weekend.

Throughout December, people have flocked into the church to enjoy the fantastic decorated Christmas trees as well as artwork from talented youngsters.

The trees have been dressed by the various church groups and feature some unusual decorations – including a fried egg.

And there is also one in tribute to long-serving church officer and former Galloway News printer Peter French, who died in September.

Geoff Rae, a visitor to the exhibition, inspects a tree dedicated to Peter French

Geoff Rae, a visitor to the exhibition, inspects a tree dedicated to Peter French
(Image: Les Snowdon)

Youngsters in primaries one to three have made posters of robins, with older pupils creating theirs on the theme of child in the manger.

There has also been music, refreshments and stalls – including one selling calendars to raise funds for Castle Douglas High School’s ASN department.

If you haven’t been there’s still time to enjoy the spectacle.

The church is open on Thursday night from 6pm to 8pm and on Friday and Saturday from 10am to 2pm.

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