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Annan charity champion to feature on BBC One show
Jackie Bird with Hardip Singh Atwal, BEM at the Cairndale Hotel in Dumfries

A Korean war veteran from Kirkcudbright and an Annan charity dynamo will feature on BBC One Scotland programme tomorrow.

The festive special, Scotland’s People 2023 hosted by Jackie Bird, will be aired on Wednesday at 8pm and will shine a heart-warming spotlight on amazing individuals who have gone that extra mile to selflessly help others within their communities.

The flagship story this year is honouring Korean veterans for their service and dedication on the year that marks 70 years since fighting in the Korean War came to an end.

The show will feature the story of the veterans who took part in the 1950-1953 “Forgotten War” including Wellwood McCall, of Kirkcudbright, who served in the King’s Own Scottish Borderers.

Another story to be featured is that of businessman Hardip Singh Atwal, BEM, who works in his spare time as a special police constable for the Dumfries and Galloway force, but this is only one element of the many good works he does for the community.

An avid fundraiser and event organiser, Hardip was appointed as Deputy Lord Lieutenant for the area last summer and his good work and commitment to charitable concerns were also recognised with a British Empire Medal in 2022.

Among the many good causes he supports is Down Syndrome Scotland and he is the co-organiser of a multicultural ball, the proceeds of which go to Dumfries and Galloway Blood Bikes and Care of Police Survivors.

He forged his business career in Annan in his family’s well known convenience store, which has now passed onto new leassees and Hardip has now taken up a management position at the Cairndale Hotel, in Dumfries.

Jackie surprised Hardip at the hotel in Dumfries in the company of his family and friends, along with members of the police with their emergency vehicles plus a team from blood bikes Scotland gathered outside the hotel and lined up to thank him for all his fundraising efforts.

Jackie said: “Each year I find the stories featured inspiring and humbling in equal measure, finding out about people who have done so much for others.

“Some are coping with adversity in their own lives, some have turned tragedy around to do something incredibly positive and some have wells of energy which defy belief… but all of them have incredibly big hearts. Hardip does so much for his community, we had to salute him.”

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