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Dumfries schoolboy plans 24-hour bike ride for Cancer Research UK
Nathan Wojcik has challenged himself to organising and participating in a gruelling solo 24-hour indoor cycle

A Dumfries schoolboy is preparing himself for a gruelling 24-hour indoor cycle in aid of Cancer Research UK.

St Joseph’s College pupil Nathan Wojcik said the challenge has been on his mind for a while and he’s now ready to take it on.

And he’s hoping people will get behind him and donate cash for the charity that’s close to his heart.

Nathan said: “One in two people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime.

“This could be your parents, siblings, friends or co-workers.

“For me, I have close friends who have lost parents to cancer, and others I know too.

“Being in this situation is so crushing, and I know a lot of people have had similar experiences.”

Nathan is also using the cycle to push himself to his “greatest physical and mental limits”.

He said: “I have two half marathons under my belt, and the longest cycle I have ever done totalled about six hours, so this should be incredibly out of my comfort zone, and I think that’s a good thing.”

But he knows the challenge, which will be livestreamed next month, will be a “mental battle and a battle of dealing with the pain you get from a bike seat”.

He added: “The goal now is to get a 12-hour session in at some point, and keep doing the two-hour cycles after school three days a week balanced with

“I keep remembering who I’m doing this for and it empowers me. It really keeps me going.”

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