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Dumfries teacher wins physics teacher of the year accolade
Chambers, Quality Improvement Manager from Skills, Education and Learning at Dumfries & Galloway Council, congratulates Chris Rossi

St Joseph’s College’s Chris Rossi has been presented with a physics teacher of the year award.

The top honour from the Institute of Physics recognises his “exceptional classroom practice” and inspiring teaching which has raised the bar for the students’ experience and level of

The IOP awards celebrate the success of secondary school teachers in the UK and Ireland who, by their dedication and excellence in the classroom, have raised the state of physics teaching in their school.

Chris Shepherd of the IOP, said: “I am delighted to be recognising and applauding Mr Rossi.

“On behalf of the Institute of Physics, I warmly congratulate and thank him for his dedication.

“Chris Rossi’s students value his extensive subject knowledge together with his enthusiasm and passion for physics.

“His students feel supported and confident, enabling them to challenge themselves and take risks while enjoying their physics learning.

“Understanding and enjoying science can lead to a rewarding career, to improved analytical thinking skills, a life-long interest or all of these. An inspiring teacher is crucial to supporting this.

“Physics and physicists have a vital role to play in solving some of the 21st century’s biggest challenges.

“Without dedicated physics teachers we would have far less physics-based research and industry, and the world would not benefit from the contributions made by physicists to the continually expanding knowledge of the world in which we live.”

Mr Shepherd added that the award recognised Mr Rossi’s “exceptional knowledge and classroom practice, development of pupils, and support of colleagues, trainee teachers, technicians and staff in the local community of schools and nationally through examination work”.

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