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Fundraising group formed in Kirkcudbright to help Palestinian medical services
Rosie Ilett, Anne Bryce, Graham Bryce and John McIntosh are campaigning for Medical Aid for Palestinians

A new fundraising group has been formed in Kirkcudbright to help Palestinian medical services in Gaza and the West Bank try to cope in impossible conditions.

Galloway Friends of MAP has opened a page on JustGiving for donations to the charity, whose full title is Medical Aid for Palestinians.

The move comes in the wake of weeks of violence.

Israel went on the offensive after Hamas fighters killed an estimated 1,200 civilians and soldiers in a terrorist attack on October 7, and took an estimated 240 people hostage.

According to the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza, more than 13,000 people have been killed and thousands more injured in the retaliatory campaign.

Hospitals and medical centres in Gaza have been put out of action due to the fighting or because they have run out of fuel and power.

The Galloway group staged an information event in Kirkcudbright Parish Church Hall on Wednesday evening on MAP’s work across the troubled region.

It featured first hand testimony from local residents Graham Bryce, John McIntosh and Anne Bryce, all of whom cycled through Palestine in aid of MAP.

John said: “In light of the enormous loss of life and the thousands injured during the current horrific events in Gaza, a group of us in Kirkcudbright are keen to raise funds to assist the people living there.

“Three of us have been to Palestine with Medical Aid for Palestinians and know that it does excellent work there.

“Donating to this charity is a very efficient way of supporting the people of Gaza, and the West Bank. Thank you for anything you can offer to those people.”

To donate, search Galloway Friends of MAP on the JustGiving website.

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