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Community aims to turn run-down Gretna park into fully-inclusive play area
Annandale East and Eskdale councillor Archie Dryburgh and South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth show the one swing left at the park

A community campaign is under way to transform a run-down Gretna park into a fully-inclusive amenity.

Councillor Archie Dryburgh is to chair a new action group set up through Gretna and Rigg Community Council to lead work on developing plans.

Meanwhile, Councillor Dryburgh and South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth have urged the council to urgently replace existing equipment removed for “safety reasons” – which has left the Central Avenue park with just one swing.

Councillor Dryburgh said: “I’ve urged the council to replace equipment removed for safety reasons and this is now on order. But it’s time for a full revamp of the park to make it fully inclusive and I’ve agreed to chair a new community group to develop plans to give Gretna the park it deserves.

“There has been great interest from parents from Sparklers Nursery and primary groups to take this project forward and we will be meeting on a monthly basis to develop good community engagement.”

He hopes to have the park added to a key list of council priorities in March next year to secure £125,000 of funding but needs the community to back the campaign and help secure match funding.

Mr Smyth told the Standard that developing inclusive playparks became a local authority priority when he was a councillor, when an inclusive play fund was established.

This has gone on to work with local communities to help provide five new accessible parks across the region, including in Annan and at the Catherine Street Inclusive Park in Dumfries.

He said: “I’m proud to have played a part ensuring the development of accessible parks across our region, but it’s time Gretna became part of that success as the current park has been badly neglected.

“The park in Central Avenue is very popular but right now it is not fit for purpose. We are urging the council to replace the missing equipment without delay. However, in the long run, this park needs a full revamp.”

The pair said they hope Gretna can get inspiration for the campaign from neighbouring Gretna Green and Springfield where a community asset trust was established.

Community funds were secured to improve their park which includes a new outdoor gym.

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