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20mph speed limit to be trialled in Annan

A temporary 20mph speed limit is set to be introduced throughout Annan on a trial basis.

It will run for 18 months while monitoring and evaluation – including data supplied through traffic data surveys – is gathered.

The intention is to then present the findings for an appropriate council committee to consider giving the nod for a permanent speed limit.

Dumfries and Galloway Council said 20mph aims to “encourage considerate and respectful driving” within Annan, and create a “safer experience” for both locals and visitors.

Councillor Ian Blake is chairman of the communities committee which, in December 2021, made the decision to go ahead with the pilot project.

He said: “A 20mph speed limit for Annan will not only reduce vehicle speeds and accidents, but also make the roads and streets more attractive and safer for active travel and vulnerable user groups.

“Reduced speed limits are now recognised worldwide as a means to improve road safety and prevent collisions, evidence has shown increasing support for 20mph speed limits from communities.

“In many places inappropriate speed limits make movement dangerous where people live, work and play, particularly for vulnerable road users such as children and elderly people.”

The scheme layout for the measures in the town was designed in accordance with current national guidance and in consultation with the local councillors and the Royal Burgh of Annan Community Council, and aligns with a national strategy for 20mph speed limits across Scotland by 2025.

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