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Annan Academy mice problem being addressed by Dumfries and Galloway Council
Mice at Annan Academy

Council chiefs have moved swiftly to tackle a mice problem at Annan Academy.

Reports emerged on social media of the incidents and now the mini invasion is being dealt with after pest control experts were called in.

Annandale South Councillor Richard Brodie said: “It’s only mice and not rats which would’ve been a more serious problem.

“I think it’s a historical problem because they are in the countryside and from time to time it is not uncommon for mice to come into houses and properties.

“It’s a problem at the school, but hopefully it is not an environmental one. Obviously it is not good in any school for any infestation.”

Mr Brodie, chairman of the council’s education committee, added: “We had a meeting about it with the heads of education and they were confident that the problem was under control and was not a really major health hazard.

“I’m not sure where it was that the mice were so I am not in a position to say. The main thing is that they have corrected the situation and sorted it out.”

A council spokesman said: “We are aware of the issue of mice within certain areas of Annan Academy.

“Our pest control team have carried out a site visit and the matter is being addressed via the normal process.”

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