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Work planned to tackle potentially dangerous concrete at Stewartry school
Gatehouse Primary (Image: Bobby Geddes)

Work is being planned to tackle a potentially dangerous type of concrete at a Stewartry school.

Gatehouse Primary was one of four schools across the region where reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) was found earlier this year after the material was linked to the collapse of a roof at a primary school in Kent.

The concrete was deemed safe by structural engineers and councillors will be told next week that there are plans “to introduce additional support to a number of panels within the school”.

A report for the finance, procurement and transformation committee adds that “an enhanced monitoring and inspections regime is being adopted”, with the aim being to “limit disruption” to the school while the work is carried out.

The report for Tuesday’s meeting estimates the cost of the work at all four schools will be around £500,000.

A report on what other council buildings contain RAAC is due to go to the economy and resources committee later this month.

Members of the FPT committee will be told next week that there will be proposals drawn up to remove RAAC from all buildings but this “will be phased over several financial years”.

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