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Crossmichael Youth Club hosts fireworks spectacular
Crossmichael Youth Club’s fireworks display

Crossmichael Youth Club held a fireworks display at the village marina on Saturday night.

The night was a great success and everyone who attended had a great time.

Thanks go to the full youth club team and helpers for bringing the event together, with a huge thanks to Richard Hull for his kind donation of the amazing fireworks.

Crossmichael Youth Club's fireworks display

Crossmichael Youth Club’s fireworks display

Extra thanks go to John Nelson and Dixie for the use of the field, Kenneth Hughes for the fantastic music and Hazel Nodwell for the use of her outside tap.

Also thanks to The Thistle Inn and Crossmichael Shop and Post Office for their kind donations of toffee apples and juice and the community council for funding the sparklers.

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