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Annan couple celebrate 60th wedding anniversary
Marian and Irving Kerr received a card from King Charles delivered by Dumfriesshire Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Hardip Atwal

A well-known Annan couple have celebrated 60 happy years of married life and have received a card from King Charles delivered by Dumfriesshire Deputy Lord Lieutenant, Hardip Atwal.

Marian and Irving Kerr, aged 84 and 85 respectively, met at a dance in the Victoria Halls in Annan more than six decades ago and were delighted with the well-wishes, cards and gifts received for their diamond wedding anniversary.

They were married in St Andrew’s Church on November 2, 1963, by the Reverend A D Brown and have two daughters, Helen and Fiona, and two grandsons.

The couple said “sharing” is their tip for a blissful married life.

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