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Damaged Dumfries and Galloway village landmark has £9,000 repair bill
Moniaive Cross

A village landmark steeped in history was badly damaged after being hit by a lorry.

Residents were left shocked when the Moniaive Cross, which sits in the centre of the small village, was in bits following the collision.

The incident occurred more than two months ago, but members of Glencairn Community Council have this week received a quote for repairs – more than £9,000.

Sue Grant, secretary of Glencairn Community Council, said: “A wood lorry hit and damaged the cross in August. Three capstones were dislodged and ended up on the road, and a further one was badly damaged.

“The side of the base was also marked by the vehicle.”

The police, Dumfries and Galloway Council, Mid and Upper Nithsdale Councillor Tony Berretti and the company which owns the lorry have all been working together to resolve the situation.

Stones ended up on the road, while the side of the base of the cross was marked

Stones ended up on the road, while the side of the base of the cross was marked

Mrs Grant said: “The community council would like to thank Councillor Berretti for following this matter up on our behalf. We also pass on our thanks to those who cordoned off the site.

“We have just received a quote for repairs at £9,300. Police are charging a driver on two counts.”

The stone landmark was set up as the village’s Market Cross in 1638. The cross denotes Moniaive as a free burgh with the right to hold a weekly market.

A well-known story is told in Moniaive about how a little boy, son of a covenanting preacher, fled to the cross and slept on its base one night in 1666 when dragoons ransacked his home.

Local history documents state that “social deviants were chained to the cross by an iron collar”, which is preserved in the village Memorial Institute. This traditional punishment was the Scottish equivalent of the stocks.

After the common land was enclosed in the 18th century, the cross became an olden days job centre where formerly self-sufficient farmers stood waiting to be hired as labourers.

Today, Moniaive has a population of just over 500 and is a popular visitor destination.

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