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Dalbeattie Running Club on the rise with growing membership numbers
Dalbeattie Running Club members at their most recent track session

Dalbeattie Running Club is on the rise with growing membership numbers enjoying varied training sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.

On Tuesday there is a group run, usually through the wonderful Dalbeattie Forest, meeting at the bandstand in Colliston Park at 6pm. Groups set off after a short warm-up and are grouped together with similar ability runners. Distances range from three to five miles and the session is free.

On Wednesday, the focus shifts to the running track at the high school. Qualified coaches are on hand to make sessions fun but very worthwhile. Each session is tailored to the athlete’s own ability and there is a strong team ethos, with many of the sessions involving fun team running. There is a £3.50 charge to use the track and the start time is 7pm at the track.

Members are currently getting ready to compete in a new winter league series of races throughout the next five months. Each month there will be a weekend event in which all members can take part. The first run is on Sunday, November 5 at 10am and is approximately 3.4 miles on forest trails, meeting at the picnic area car park in Dalbeattie Forest.

The club can be joined online or come along to one of the sessions and membership, costing £20, can be arranged then.

The club can be contacted through Facebook or emailing [email protected] and everyone is welcome.

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