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All Dumfries and Galloway schools to close due to support staff strike
Dumfries & Galloway Council’s education director Gillian Brydson.

All schools in the region will close next week due to support staff going on strike.

Members of Unison will take industrial action on Wednesday, November 8 in a dispute over pay.

The local authority made the decision yesterday morning after saying it would learn lessons over the handling of September’s strikes. All schools in the region were closed by the council with less than 24 hours’ notice given to parents and carers causing widespread anger.

In an email to parents the education director, Dr Gillian Brydson, said: “The decision has been made to close all our schools and Early Learning Centre (ELC) settings on the strike day.

“We appreciate the inconvenience associated with this information, but please be assured that this information is coming to you as a parent/carer in as timely a manner as is practically possible.”

The local authority was heavily criticised for its handling of the last strike action when non-teaching staff, including learning assistants, kitchen, cleaning, janitorial and administration workers, walked out for three consecutive days.

Dr Brydson apologised to parents, carers and councillors for the department’s handling of the situation.

South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth welcomed the early notice but has asked for clarity regarding staff working from home.

In September, the Educational Institute of Scotland was also left unhappy after teachers were told they could work from home on the second strike day – after they had already started work.

Mr Smyth said: “No one wants to see disruption in our schools, but at least the council has given notice of school closures, so parents will be able to plan as best they can.

“But there is still a lack of clarity for council staff regarding working from home if they can’t secure childcare on strike days.

“Last month, the council was rightly criticised by parents and trade unions. No other council in Scotland left it so late to inform parents of closures or treated their staff with such contempt by failing to honour national agreements on working from home.

“If these strikes ultimately go ahead, I’ll be on the picket line listening to our lowest paid workers.

“But no one wants to see industrial action. Even at this late stage, I’m urging the Scottish Government to intervene to properly fund a pay deal and council leaders to get back round the table with the trade unions, so there is no need for any school closures and no disruption to pupils and parents.”

First Minister Humza Yousaf stepped into the argument last week and insisted no more money is available.

He said: “There is no more funding, I’ve been really clear about that.”

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